An Update: Tubes, Infection & Christmas
Hello friends. Though we have never met, I feel like we are friends. 🙂 I have been exceptionally quiet this Christmas season. My personal and professional life has been busy and writing here is something that had to slow down. I didn’t expect to not write for a week, but things like that happen.
Today I thought I would take a couple quick minutes to share a few updates.
Tubes: After persistent ear infections, we were able to get Ezra scheduled for ear tubes. All of our kids had them (Adeline had them twice). We are grateful to live in a city with one of the nation’s top children’s hospitals (also where I work) and Ezra did wonderful. The surgery was on Monday and the doctor said Ezra had A LOT of fluid build up. He slept the night Tuesday night (for the first time in about 9 months) and they already seem to be making a difference.
That said, he has had a croupy-like cough for weeks that he can’t seem to shake. I am taking him back to the pediatrician to get another listen to his lungs. Poor boy.
Infection: I had been fighting a sore throat for more than a week when I woke up Monday morning and could barely swallow. After first going to a walk-in clinic (right after Ezra’s surgery) and not getting strong enough antibiotics, I went to my primary care physician yesterday. He put me on something a lot stronger (he said my throat was “impressive” – ha!) and I am home trying to get better today.
Party: This past Sunday we hosted a party for my office and it was SO much fun! (So thankful that my sickness didn’t come on strong until it was over.) I thought I’d share about the party this week, but I spent too much time in bed. (We made these oreo pops for the kids and they were easy and delicious. Maybe something fun for your weekend?) Look for the post on Monday.
Christmas shopping: Normally, I share so many deals during the holidays. My apologies that this year the deal sharing was quieter than normal. However, if you are still looking for gift ideas, please be sure to check out my gift guide. It was SO much work and is full of GREAT ideas.
If you need a last minute kid gift, definitely check out crates from the Kiwi Crate family – they have something for ages 3 to 16. We can’t say enough good things about their products! Without question, this is a subscription service that our family really believes in and loves. We have subscribed for more than three years. Above are the kids after the recent Kiwi and Tinker Christmas crates we made. 🙂
Taking care of you: As I sit here sick, I am reminded how important it is to take care of yourself. In these last days before Christmas, maybe you need to read this?
xoxo to you and yours this weekend.