1. After being babysat by a high school student who had a couple of American Girls dolls, I would pour over the catalogs trying to decide which doll I wanted. Finally, when I was about Adeline’s age, I received Molly for Christmas. I don’t really remember why I chose Molly, but I am glad I did because she and my Grandma shared a birthday and both were girls during WWII. Plus, my Grandma could sew so she sewed my Molly doll several outfits. Accessories for Molly – books, clothes, furniture became everyone’s go-to gift for me for several years, and I loved it. Molly went everywhere with me. Now as an adult she is proudly displayed in my home, and I change her outfits to go with the seasons.

  2. I had NO idea they were based so close to where I grew up! Obviously I didn’t have one as a kid, but my oldest daughter became interested in them and she got one from the Mall of America store for her sixth birthday. My youngest daughter received one for her 3rd birthday and has been playing with the two dolls ever since! I grew up playing with Cabbage Patch kids so I love seeing my girls play ‘house’ like I did as a child. Elsa plans to ask Santa for American Girl doll clothes and play food for Christmas so the AG doll love is still very strong here! We also love to check out the movies from the library because of their wholesome and positive messages.

    1. I collected the books, but never had any of the dolls. I’ve enjoyed reading the books again with my daughters, although none of them care much for dolls.

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