June 2018 Reads
June was the first month of the year that I did not hit my reading goal of five books a month. With much of the month spent on medical leave, I was focused on healing and doing other things. My two season binge of Game of Thrones might have also impacted this – ha!
That said, I finished 4.5 books, so I think things will even out in July! Also, I recorded the audio book for Stretched Too Thin, so maybe that can kind of count (head to instagram and tap my “new book” highlight to hear a sample). Also, fun fact – anyone who preorders Stretched Too Thin, then fills out a form on my site (coming soon), will get the audio book for free. We will be rolling out the freebie sign up in July, so keep an eye out for the announcement on my social media and here on the blog.
Here’s what I finished:
[mybooktable book=”im-still-black-dignity-world-made-whiteness” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
[mybooktable book=”baby-teeth” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
[mybooktable book=”only-child” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
[mybooktable book=”dry-grass-august” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
I’m starting July off with my new Book of the Month books because there’s something extra great about starting a just released book. Book of the Month is every readers dream. Pick from five new releases every month and you’ll get it shipped right to your door for just $14.95. These hardbacks are typically priced $5-$15 more on Amazon and sometimes you even get a book ahead of its official release date. It is the BEST. Get a free book when you use code FIREWORKS. Join today! Or, you can subscribe for 12 months and pay just$12.50/book!
This month’s picks are top notch. I started The Last Time I Lied immediately and can’t wait to devour it over the holiday.
The Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams: I’m giddy about this one. Everything by Beatriz is fabulous.
The Girl From Blind River by Gale Massey
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager
For past months’ reads:
May 2018 Reads (5 books)
April 2018 Reads (5 books)
February and March 2018 Reads (9 books)
January 2018 Reads (6 books)
What have you read lately?
So looking forward to seeing what you’ve been reading since June. I don’t think I missed those posts I just think you are super busy with your awesome new book release. Loving it and enjoyed listening to your discussion
with Jen Hatmaker on her podcast.
Yes, the book launch took A LOT out of me and time for writing regularly was one of them. But I am going to do a three month update this week. Also follow me on instagram.com/booksnobbery for regular book posts.