1. Thank you for missing months 4, 7 & 8. Now I don’t feel like a complete loser for having gaps in those monthly photos I meant to take. LOL Beautiful babies you’ve got there.

    1. Well… I missed writing posts about those months. I did take the photos every month. 🙂 But don’t feel like a loser! Whatever you DID document is better than nothing and will be a gift to your child someday.

  2. So cute! I love the way she scoots on her bottom by turning her knees. Elias’ “I’m a baby!” reminds me of conversations with my older daughter. I keep telling her “You’ll always be MY baby, but you’re not A baby,” so her frequent refrain is “I’m YOUR baby, but Claire is a A baby.” (Love the “a A baby.”)

  3. She is just adorable!! Almost first birthday time – exciting! I loved that video – your kids are too cute. Reminds me very much of my own (except add one more baby girl in there since I have twin girls!) since I think my kids are similar in age (14 mo. old twin girls and an almost 4 year old boy). Isn’t it the best seeing them play and interact with each other – it warms my heart! 🙂

  4. She is just precious, Jessica. How fun to watch her grow! I loved your story of Elias watching out for her…reminds me so much of my little ones. Elysia, who is 10 1/2 months old, has an ornery side and loves to make a mess of the catfood. Often as she’s crawling over to it I’ll hear Elaina (2 1/2) say, “Weesia Jaaaaane!!! No, no!!” I don’t know if Elaina enjoys protecting her as much as tattling 😉 but she loves her sister very much, and I am so enjoying watching them interact more.
    Happy almost-first birthday, Adeline!

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